Her Money Moves Turns One!
Happy 1st Birthday to Her Money Moves!
A year ago today, I posted my first blog on Her Money Moves, 6 Lazy Ways to Save Money. Twelve months later, I’m posting my 50th (don’t ya just love a nice, round number?) blog entry on Her Money Moves. Why should I celebrate? Slow my roll you say, it’s only been one year. But, blog years are like dog years. When I first started toying around with starting a personal finance blog, Doug Nordman from The Military Guide aka the Godfather of Military Finance blogging told me, “If you last a year, you’re doing better than most people. Personal-finance blogs seem to have a high attrition rate, so anyone who’s been blogging for three years is in the top 10% just through persistence.” If Doug’s right, two years from now I’ll be a blogging senior citizen.
Top Five Posts of Year One
Below are my top five posts from my first year in terms of unique readers. Social media is a curious thing. I have other posts that have been share thousands of times on social media, mainly due to Pinterest. However, when I look at the unique reader stats on those viral social media shares, that post might have only had maybe 25 unique views. What does that mean? People like to pin things on Pinterest (like a lot) but they aren’t reading the actual article. Are you guilty of that?
Hey Military Spouse: This is Why You Need to Understand the Blended Retirement System
Electronic Treasure Hunting: Search Your Unclaimed Property
I Got Hacked. Security Lessons Learned the Hard Way
What’s in My Wallet: My Favorite Travel Card – American Express Platinum
I Took the Blended Retirement System Opt-In Training and This is What I Learned
My Biggest Fan
Mom, you’re killing my algorithm. But seriously, thanks Mom. I love you too. I can always count on my Mama for a like, share, or a nice comment.
My Favorite Blogs I Read
Over the last year, I’ve discovered a bunch of great new blogs on all kinds of topics, these are my regulars.
Military Finance & Lifestyle
Personal Finance
Cool Things That Happened in Year One
If you would have asked me a year ago about any of the following accomplishments, I would have given you a blank stare. What a difference a year makes. I went to the 2017 Military Influencers’ Conference and signed up for the 2018 Military Influencer Conference and 2018 FinCon as well. I made friends online. At the MilBlogging Conference, I made new friends in actual real life. I learned a ton. I secured new freelance work and made connections for future work too!
Aside for writing posts for my own site, I guest posted on several of my peers’ blogs and also was published over 25 times in online and paper publications (one of my favorite articles in MilitarySpouse). I was nominated as a finalist for three Plutus Awards! I was awarded a small business scholarship for my blog. I was quoted in major publications like Forbes, The Street, and CreditCards.com.
What’s Happening in Year Two?
An international PCS is in my future. It’s only a one-year assignment but it’s going to be a drastic change for my family and my career. I’m planning on traveling more, writing more, and stressing less.
I want to build and expand my new private Facebook Community, The Financially Ready Military Spouse. Come join our group! If you’re not a Military Spouse, then join my public page Her Money Moves Facebook page.
I’m going to offer more value to my readers. More posts, more tips, more real-life examples, and more freebie downloads. Is there a topic you want to know more about? Drop me a line and let me know. If I can’t answer your question, I’ll do my best to connect you to someone who can.